International Flag Representation
As part of the University-wide Commencement ceremony, international flags are displayed to represent the countries and regions of faculty, staff and students at Syracuse University. With our ever-growing international student body, we would like to make sure that you are represented.
Please read the list below to see if your country or region is included. If not, please fill out the form below to submit a request to include a flag not listed. Submissions must be received by April 1, 2025 to ensure representation of your flag at the 2025 Commencement ceremony.
Afghanistan | Lebanon |
Albania | Liberia |
Algeria | Lithuania |
American Samoa | Madagascar |
Angola | Malaysia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Mauritius |
Argentina | Mexico |
Australia | Moldova |
Austria | Mongolia |
Azerbaijan | Montserrat |
Bahamas | Morocco |
Bahrain | Myanmar/Burma |
Bangladesh | Nepal |
Barbados | Netherlands |
Belarus | New Zealand |
Belgium | Nicaragua |
Benin | Nigeria |
Bolivia | Northern Mariana Islands |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Norway |
Brazil | Oman |
Cambodia | Pakistan |
Cameroon | Palestinian Territories |
Canada | Panama |
Chad | Paraguay |
Czech Republic | Peru |
Chile | Philippines |
China | Poland |
Choctaw Nation | Portugal |
Colombia | Puerto Rico |
Costa Rica | Qatar |
Cote d’Ivoire/Ivory Coast | Republic of Georgia |
Cuba | Romania |
Cyprus | Russia |
Denmark | Rwanda |
Dominican Republic | Saudi Arabia |
Ecuador | Senegal |
Egypt | Serbia |
El Salvador | Singapore |
Ethiopia | Somalia |
Fiji | South Africa |
Finland | South Korea |
France | South Sudan |
Germany | Spain |
Ghana | Sri Lanka |
Greece | St. Kitts and Nevis |
Guam | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Guatemala | Sudan |
Guinea | Swaziland |
Guyana | Sweden |
Haiti | Switzerland |
Haudenosaunee | Syria |
Taiwan | |
Honduras | Tanzania |
Hong Kong | Thailand |
Hungary | Togo |
Tong | |
India | Trinidad and Tobago |
Indonesia | Tunisia |
Iran | Turkey |
Iraq | Turkmenistan |
Ireland | Uganda |
Israel | Ukraine |
Italy | United Arab Emirates |
Jamaica | United Kingdom |
Japan | Uruguay |
Jordan | US Virgin Islands |
Kazakhstan | Uzbekistan |
Kenya | Venezuela |
Kosovo | Vietnam |
Kuwait | Zambia |
Laos | Zimbabwe |